• CALL (408) 217-9992

  • Serving the Bay Area and all 50 states

Tax Planning

Tax Planning

We know one of your top priorities is paying less in taxes. This is best achieved through comprehensive tax planning. We will work with you year-round and proactively recommend tax-saving strategies so that you keep more of your hard earned dollars and give less to the IRS.

Accounting Services

  • Prepare and maintain the documents and records for future audit purposes
  • Review and compile internally generated financial statements
  • Provide timely, efficient bookkeeping for businesses of all sizes

Other Services

  • Federal and State tax audit representation
  • Preparation of pro forma financial statements
  • Business entity selection and set up
  • Business operation evaluation and analysis

Recent Posts

07 Jan 2019
Tax Strategies for Selling Real Estate

Tax tips when selling your main home: If you lived in your home for a

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08 Feb 2017
6 Tips for First Time Home Buyers

Now that summer is upon us, many of us will start searching for a new

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08 Feb 2017
Tax Breaks for Owning a Home

I often get questions about how to reduce your taxes, so today I want to

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Contact Us

Premier Tax Advisors

Serving the Bay Area and all 50 states
(P) (408) 217-9992 (F) (510) 842-1726

Premier Tax Advisors

Serving the Bay Area and all 50 states
(P) (408) 217-9992 (F) (510) 842-1726